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the magical world of airsickness bags

Welcome. This is what my wife calls "a bunch of stupid jokes and pictures of paper bags." She's right about the jokes. She's wrong about the bags: some of them are plastic.

What the critics say: "Utterly unnotable" (Wikipedia editor). "Ridiculous collections #4" (Buzzfeed). Other comments: "As complete wastes of time go, it's a very high quality complete waste of time... An entirely dispensable source of inane comments about a truly trivial subject... A monument to the planet's worst corporate design... An unwelcome reminder of some of the more unpleasant moments in our lives."

Donations (unused, please) of bags not represented in the bag gallery are welcomed -- please mail to this address, and I'll credit you on this site! I am happy to trade any extras that I have. Check out the links to other bag sites, find out how you can use your spare bags, and explore the fascinating world of bag manufacturers

Highlights: The design features page reveals the secrets of professional baggery, and the logos page analyses the enigma of airline corporate identities. Search for your favourite bag, browse the bag gallery by country and airline, and check out the biggest, best and worst bags!


The Clemens eBay Report for March 2006

"I am pleased to inform you about another interesting month at ebay as far as barf bags are concerned", says auction addict Gerd Clemens in his monthly report on eBay bagprices.

"Let me start with another large collection which was offered in total. €103.52 were finally spent for 96 different bags from 64 airlines. In case you want to know more details here is the ebay number: 6615093954.

Back to single bags. Also March is influenced by a seller offering a lot of very rare bags from his collection which are attractive to most of us.

Despite this, the bag of the month comes from the Indian airline JET Airways. But let me describe it step by step.

  • Number 1 in March and the highest price I have ever seen for barf bags is a bag from East African Airline. €136 was the final bid, and much to the benefit of the seller just 2 bidders fought for this bag in the final stage.
  • Air Manchester from 1982 was runner up at a final price of £63.69 equal to €92. (To be honest, the auction ran in February but I missed it.)
  • Number 3 was at €36.58 for a bag described by the seller as a very, very rare and almost impossible to find bag namely from SWA - Swiss world.
  • A clean bag from British Jet came up as number 4 at a price £24.53 or €35.50.
  • As in February a bag from the Pakistani airline Bhoja Air was on auction. The result in March was €35.50, slightly lower than in February but still a good bargain for the seller.
  • As said above JET Airways from India was the bag of the month. At least 4 auctions took place and it is going on in April too. Ranks 6, 7 and 8 were taken by this bag at €33.60, €32.20 and €28.30 respectively. A further bag was sold at €15.55.
  • Another nice bag came from Air Zimbabwe which ran at €31.60, followed by direct sales at €31.10 and €29.99, which are the ranks 9 to 11.
  • Number 12 is a bag from Iran, a small airline named Arian Air for which 6 bidders showed interest. The final price was at €29.50.
  • Aero Condor from Peru came in as # 13 at a final bid of €28.50 followed by Ocean Air from Brazil at US$ 28.50 equal to €23.40.
  • Another bag from South America namely Southern Winds from Argentina came in as # 15 at a price of €21.37.
  • The new bag from Shenzhen Airlines China was sold at €20.49.
  • Aviaexpress from Hungary was an attractive price too, €18.31 were paid.
  • An old bag from Northwest Orient came in as # 18 at a price of €16.05, followed again by a bag from JET Airways at €15.55.
  • Faucett from Peru was sold at €14.75.
  • Rank # 20 was for Aviogenex at €14.50 followed by an old bag from BMA (UK) at €12.97.
  • Three bags at the same price of €12.75 came in on the following places namely the Chinese airline Xinjiang, Somali Airlines and AeroPeru.
  • At rank # 25 we find Rio Airways at €11.86 and then a photo bag from Rheintalflug at €11.70.

The following bags have reached the ranks # 27 to 32:

  • Aero airlines at €10.55
  • Air Mali at €10.49
  • Alyemda from former Democratic Republic of Yemen at another €10.49
  • Two times Omni Air International at €10.25 and €10
  • And finally Petroleum Air from Egypt at €10.

These are the results for March 2006."

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 


What do Latvia, Liberia and Lesotho have in common? Yes, they all start with an L. What else? They're all missing from my barfbag collection.

What's the biggest country not represented? Chad. In terms of population? Burkina Faso. Other prominent absentees (coloured red in the map): Georgia and Rwanda. 

Major underrepresented portions of the globe are a swathe of Africa and chunks of Central Asia and Central America.

Donations from these areas especially welcome!

Centres of megabagdiversity are the USA (though many US bags are distressingly plain), China, the UK, Canada, Germany, Brazil and Indonesia. 

Click here for details.

For new baggists only


New to the world of bag collecting? Want to get a head start on your collection? Then send me an email, and I'll send you a randomly selected free starter pack from my surplus bag stock. There won't be anything rare, and you may end up with some duplicates, but at least you'll be able to show your friends a few more of these lovely cultural artefacts. Make sure you include your mailing address in your email. Offer good as long as stocks last.

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