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the magical world of airsickness bags

Welcome. This is what my wife calls "a bunch of stupid jokes and pictures of paper bags." She's right about the jokes. She's wrong about the bags: some of them are plastic.

What the critics say: "Utterly unnotable" (Wikipedia editor). "Ridiculous collections #4" (Buzzfeed). Other comments: "As complete wastes of time go, it's a very high quality complete waste of time... An entirely dispensable source of inane comments about a truly trivial subject... A monument to the planet's worst corporate design... An unwelcome reminder of some of the more unpleasant moments in our lives."

Donations (unused, please) of bags not represented in the bag gallery are welcomed -- please mail to this address, and I'll credit you on this site! I am happy to trade any extras that I have. Check out the links to other bag sites, find out how you can use your spare bags, and explore the fascinating world of bag manufacturers

Highlights: The design features page reveals the secrets of professional baggery, and the logos page analyses the enigma of airline corporate identities. Search for your favourite bag, browse the bag gallery by country and airline, and check out the biggest, best and worst bags!


The Clemens eBay Report for November 2005

"Just before 2005 ends I would like you to inform about the bids for barf bags during November", says veteran bagwatcher Gerd Clemens. Here is his report:

It was really a very moderate month. I just could find 21 auctions where bids surpassed €10, and the highest offer at €36.89 was also not spectacular.

  • Number one during November was a bag from Egypt, Kairo Airlines, at this price. Surprisingly, this was a direct sale, so no other offers where made.
  • Runner up was an Iranian bag from Aria Air at a price of US$ 34.53, which is equal to €29.40.
  • Hawaiian , an airline from the USA, appeared twice this month at rank #3 at €28.03 and at rank #12 again at a price of €15.65.
  • At #4 was a bag from Thailand offered by an airline with no good reputation Phuket Airlines at a final bid of €26.60.
  • It continues exotic as Airblue, the Pakistani airline, came in at #5 at €26.58. Seven different bidders tried to secure the bag; 12 bids were necessary to get it.
  • Hello Kitty - what a nice name for a barf bag - only available on EVA Airline's flights from Taiwan to Fukuoka in Japan, was the bag of the month. Auction prices rose to US$ 26.10= €22.23; then this bag was offered to the runners-up, who took the opportunity of paying €21.17 and €16.94. In the meantime this bag is offered as a direct sale at US$ 9.99.
  • A strange-looking sickness bag from SAL Leipzig came in at #6 at a price of €21.50.
  • As usual a bag from China is in the top 10, at #9. The bag from China United Airlines cuA was worth £14.50 equal to €21.15.
  • Another bag from Egypt, Scorpio Airways, was #10 at a price of €18.40.
  • At rank #13 a bag from Privilege style at €15.50. Does anybody know where this airline comes from?
  • Again a bag from China, namely China South West Airline CSWA came in as #14 at a price of €15.32.
  • On the following places 3 bags from Europe namely Aegean Flying Dolphins, the new one from Air Dolomiti and Linjeflyg at prices between €13.05 and €12.51.
  • A plastic bag from Air Maldives at a price of €11.61 came in at #18.
  • At rank #19 there is a bag from an airline I do not know where is from - Grandair - at a price of €10.80.
  • An old British Airways sickness bag from the 50s came in as #20 at a price of €10.59.
  • And last but not least, Hapag Lloyd Express hlx is going on with their yellow bags with funny and good slogans. This time: Übergeben ist seeliger als nehmen. The slogan plays with the German saying: "One who gives is more blessed than the one who just takes", and it is a pun using the fact that Übergeben in German has a double meaning: to give or hand over, and to vomit. I am not prepared to give further explanations other than that last bid was at 10.50.

For bidders on Ebay it was almost a boring month. But I can assure you December becomes far more better.

All the best to all of you and a prosperous New Year for 2006.

Sunday, January 08, 2006 


What do Latvia, Liberia and Lesotho have in common? Yes, they all start with an L. What else? They're all missing from my barfbag collection.

What's the biggest country not represented? Chad. In terms of population? Burkina Faso. Other prominent absentees (coloured red in the map): Georgia and Rwanda. 

Major underrepresented portions of the globe are a swathe of Africa and chunks of Central Asia and Central America.

Donations from these areas especially welcome!

Centres of megabagdiversity are the USA (though many US bags are distressingly plain), China, the UK, Canada, Germany, Brazil and Indonesia. 

Click here for details.

For new baggists only


New to the world of bag collecting? Want to get a head start on your collection? Then send me an email, and I'll send you a randomly selected free starter pack from my surplus bag stock. There won't be anything rare, and you may end up with some duplicates, but at least you'll be able to show your friends a few more of these lovely cultural artefacts. Make sure you include your mailing address in your email. Offer good as long as stocks last.

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