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the magical world of airsickness bags

Welcome. This is what my wife calls "a bunch of stupid jokes and pictures of paper bags." She's right about the jokes. She's wrong about the bags: some of them are plastic.

What the critics say: "Utterly unnotable" (Wikipedia editor). "Ridiculous collections #4" (Buzzfeed). Other comments: "As complete wastes of time go, it's a very high quality complete waste of time... An entirely dispensable source of inane comments about a truly trivial subject... A monument to the planet's worst corporate design... An unwelcome reminder of some of the more unpleasant moments in our lives."

Donations (unused, please) of bags not represented in the bag gallery are welcomed -- please mail to this address, and I'll credit you on this site! I am happy to trade any extras that I have. Check out the links to other bag sites, find out how you can use your spare bags, and explore the fascinating world of bag manufacturers

Highlights: The design features page reveals the secrets of professional baggery, and the logos page analyses the enigma of airline corporate identities. Search for your favourite bag, browse the bag gallery by country and airline, and check out the biggest, best and worst bags!


Another worthless reality TV show?

Get served by Michelle Marsh (above), and you could pick up the bag below.

But at least this one has its own barfbags, says Danish-based baggist Homer Goetz.

"CelebAir is a reality TV series, which sees 11 celebrities doing the jobs of cabin crew and check-in attendants", says Homer.

"The tv-company subchartered an Airbus A321 from Monarch Airlines, registration G-OZBI, which has been repainted in CelebAir colours.

"The series is set in Gatwick Airport. There are seven destinations that CelebAir will fly to: Tenerife South Airport, Faro Airport (Portugal), Málaga Airport, Ibiza Airport, Mahon Airport, Larnaca International Airport and Alicante Airport.

"Before any of the celebrities were allowed to start their new jobs, they undertook a rigorous six-week training programme run by Monarch, the airline involved in the show, and were required to adhere to Monarch’s standards whilst working for CelebAir.

"The series began on 2 September 2008 on ITV2."

If you want to be served by a C-list British celebrity that you've never heard of, book a CelebAir flight by clicking on the link above. You will be assured of Monarch's usual classy service, and while you're on board, be sure to pick up one of their special barfbags. Better still, grab a handful and send one to me.

Thanks to Homer for this item.

Friday, September 26, 2008 

Bag 2.0

Bagging has taken the next step forward by embracing Web 2.0 technology.

French baggiste Gilles Beger has founded a Facebook group, the Airsickness Bags Appreciation Society.

"The ASBAS pomotes [sic] the use and circulation of Air Sickness bags worldwide. This group is dedicated to those collecting air sickness bags..." says the introductory blurb.

The group is open to all, so we can predict it will attract all kinds of weirdo baggists.

Click on the link above to sign up.

Friday, September 26, 2008 

Broken something?

Germany continues to lead the way with bag humour. The cartoon by Uli Stein on the left appeared in the veterinary journal VetImpulse in September 2008.

"On the phone you said you had broken something?" asks the doctor. "I don't see anything?"

"I've brought it with me..." says the patient, reaching into her handbag and pulling out a full barfbag.

For those needing to attend remedial German classes, this draws on the double meaning of the word "gebrochen" in German: it means both "broken" and "thrown up".

Click on the picture for a closer look.

Friday, September 26, 2008 

Get your own virtual bag

You can now introduce all your non-baggist friends to the joys of bag collecting by giving them a free virtual bag on Facebook.

The social networking site has 250,000 of these bags available. Designed by the Travel Channel, they feature a big Travel Channel T logo and the informative text "BARF BAG".

These must be among the smallest bags ever offered outside of Indonesia, though: scarcely big enough for one portion of your avatar's emesis.

Got more virtual puke to dispose of? Then sign on to Facebook and send multiple virtual bags to the baggist of your choice. Desperate? You can even give a bag to yourself (like I did).

Thanks to Steve Silberberg for this alert.

Thursday, September 11, 2008 


What do Latvia, Liberia and Lesotho have in common? Yes, they all start with an L. What else? They're all missing from my barfbag collection.

What's the biggest country not represented? Chad. In terms of population? Burkina Faso. Other prominent absentees (coloured red in the map): Georgia and Rwanda. 

Major underrepresented portions of the globe are a swathe of Africa and chunks of Central Asia and Central America.

Donations from these areas especially welcome!

Centres of megabagdiversity are the USA (though many US bags are distressingly plain), China, the UK, Canada, Germany, Brazil and Indonesia. 

Click here for details.

For new baggists only


New to the world of bag collecting? Want to get a head start on your collection? Then send me an email, and I'll send you a randomly selected free starter pack from my surplus bag stock. There won't be anything rare, and you may end up with some duplicates, but at least you'll be able to show your friends a few more of these lovely cultural artefacts. Make sure you include your mailing address in your email. Offer good as long as stocks last.

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