Pamiątki z lotu pawia

 | Fly with the new Polish airline DirectFly in the next couple of weeks, and you could not only pick up one of their bags, but also the inaugural issue their very nicely produced glossy magazine Flying People.
Skip the articles on diamond-cutting in Antwerp and a corporate intro to DirectFly. Avoid the section on Las Vegas (a destination the airline does not yet serve).
Spare a brief glance for the piece about people dressing up as seafood, and for the spread on dancers. Then head straight to page 18, where you can read all about Janusz Tichoniuk and his bag collection. Click on the pictures to the left to read the article about Janusz's collection, or here to see the whole magazine. Might be a good idea to take some Polish lessons first if you're one of the few bag aficionados not yet versed in the language. Janusz tells me he has asked DirectFly for some of their bags, but still hasn't received any. |
Saturday, May 27, 2006 
Puppetry aboard
 | "Maybe this is why some bags are damaged when you go to nick them?" asks British baggist Chris Hays. Luckily these are "only" Air Canada bags, which have limited collectors' value. God forbid that anyone should try this out with a higher-value bag such as an Air Koryo or a Nigerian Airways. Click on the picture to view the video. Thanks for the alert, Chris! (where does he find these things?). |
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 
The Clemens eBay Report for April 2006
 | "Not in value but in number of auctions, April 2006 was a quite interesting month", says eBay bagwatcher Gerd Clemens. "More than 25 bidders participated in these auctions exceeding a value of more than €10." Here is his report:
- Number 1 this month was an air sickness bag from Condor Airlines at a final bid of £42.10 = €60.75. The logo of this airline is not similar to the airline Condor, a sister company of Lufthansa. So I really do not know where this bag comes from. Does anybody of you know this airline Condor?
- Nigeria Airways is runner up at a price of €45.50.
- A remarkable 15 bids from 6 people had to be given to catch an Italian barf bag from Blue Panorama airlines at a final bid of €44.94.
- Close behind at #4, a South American bag from Star Peru, a domestic Peruvian airline founded 1998, which came up to £31, equivalent to €44.84.
- Another South American bag, this time from Chile, came in at #5 namely LanChile at a price of €42.50.
- Two small Iranian airlines came in at the same price of US$ 48.53 or €38.44 at number 5. Eram Air, based in Tehran and founded in 2005, and Safiran, also in Tehran, which started operations in 1990.
- At #7 we find a Russian airline Sibir at a price of €34.07.
- Taca International Airlines, the airline from El Salvador, came in at #8 at a price of €27.83, followed by Neos from Italy, with a final bid of €26.60. The same bag was sold in direct sales at €26.10 to the runner up and to the third-placed bidder in this auction at €12.25.
- An older bag from Chinese Hainan Airlines at €25.50 came in at #11.
- A bag from Ukraine from Dnipravia was sold at a price of €23.01.
- Air Sur is the new name for the Spanish airline Canafrica. Their bag came up to €22.75.
- The bags from the Brazilian carrier Ocean Air have been very often in the list of the more expensive bags. This time it came up to €22.41.
- The Argentinean airline Southern Winds, based in Corduba, came in at #15 at a price of €22.22.
- A different bag from Sibir airline from Russia was #16 at €20.70, followed by an older bag from Royal Nepal Airlines at €20.05.
- The Galapagos Islands are a place everybody wants to visit but no one can afford. There is an airline in Ecuador serving this island on a regular basis, namely Aerogal. And people who can afford to travel there sell the barf bags of this airline afterwards at high prices. This month auctions closed at €18.88 and later at €14.25.
- Who knows Orca Air? This is a strong competitor of El Al in Israel, and the bag from Orca Air was sold at €18.50.
- Rank #20 is a bag from the Moscow-based Transaero Airlines at €18.25.
- Rio Branco in Brazil is the city where Tavaj Linhas Aereas is situated. Founded in 1972, the airline moved to Rio Branco in 1992. Since then Tavaj has maintained an extensive network in the northern part of Brazil. The price for the bag went up to €18.00.
- Established in 2002, Mid Airlines is a small Sudanese airline. Their bag came in at #21 at €18.00, and from another seller at £11.61 or €16.77, which is rank #23.
- On rank #22 we find a bag from the Egyptian airline Lotus Air at €17.05 and another Egyptian bag from Luxor Air at €16.75 came in at #24.At the same price we find an older bag from BEA.
- Damania Airways is an Indian airline based in Dehli. Its price went up to £11.50, equal to €16.60.
- SAM means Sociedad Aeronautica de Mendellin Consolidada and is a Colombian airline belonging to Avianca. The price of €16.35 is not bad for such a rare bag.
- Lumbini Airways is one of more than 10 airlines in Nepal. And each of them has its own air sickness bag. This one in plastic went at €15.95.
- Quite often a bag from the Italian airline Livingston Energy Flight is offered. This month again at rank #29 at €15.30, and further down at €10.05.
- At rank #30 we find the Indian Air Sahara at €15.18, followed by the Indonesian airline PT Deraya at €15.05.
- Bag of the month is from the Egyptian airline Petroleum Air Services, which sold at €14.90, €14.12, €13.97 and €12.90.
- An old bag from American Airlines went at €14.75 at rank #33, and at rank #34 AeroGal, as described above at €14.25.
- The further rankings are Pulkovo from Russia, which is bankrupt now, at €14.15; Petroleum Air Services at €14,12; Thai Sky Airlines at €14.04; Khalifa Airways at €14.00 and another Petroleum at €13.97.
- Rank #40 goes to the airline SBZ in Zaire at €13.75 followed by another airline from Africa, GEA which means Guinea Equatorial Airlines at €13.63.
- Bakhtar Afghan Airlines is the same airline as Ariana, but Bakhtar serves domestic routes whereas Ariana is responsible for international flights. Its bag sold for €13.05. And again the next rank is Petroleum at €12.90.
- A bag from Alyemda, an airline in Yemen, was bought at €12.50 and then another Egyptian airline, namely Midwest Airlines at €12.40.
- Pharaoh Airlines, again from Egypt, went for €12.35.
- Neos, the Milan based charter airline which started operations in 2002, came in as a direct sale at €12.25. At the same price was another Brazilian Ocean Air.
- You will not find the Chinese Xinhua Airlines too often. This airline was founded in 1992 and now belongs 60% to Hainan Airlines. The price of their bag was €12.24.
- At rank #50 we find a bag from the 1950s. Its a sick bag but not an air sickness bag from Nederland Line at €12.20.
- Skyline Airways from Nepal went for €12.11, followed by Iranian Kish Air at €12.07.
- The new bags from the Slovenian Adria Airways and the Danish Sterling European Airways were on auction and afterwards sold directly to the runners up. In this way Adria was sold at €12.03, €11.53, €10.25 and €10.00. Sterling went at €12.03, €11.53 and €10.00, as far as prices over €10 are concerned.
- Another older bag from the former British airline BEA at €11.82 came in at #55, followed by Chinese Xinjiang Airlines, which was merged into China Southern, at a price of €11.75. At rank #58 was the Norwegian airline Norving at €10.85.
- What is Egretta - a Czech airline? I really could not find reasonable information. Price of the bag was €10.75. At the same price, two Italian airlines: Lauda Air Italia and a different bag from Blue Panorama, which brought them to ranks #60 and 61.
- At €10.55 we find an bag from Chinese CNWA without red colour and at same price Aero Airlines from Finland which co-operates with Finnair.
- A bag from the African airline LAM which means Linhas Aereas de Moçambique was sold at €10.53, followed by a new bag from Spanish Air Pullmantur at €10.50.
- The next ranks are MEA from Lebanon at €10.35, Adria Airways again, and Iran Asseman Airlines, all at €10.25.
- Finally we have Chinese CNAC Zhejiang Airlines and Livingston, both at €10.05, and at €10.00 the Indonesian PT Deraya and the already mentioned Sterling and Adria bags.
This brought the number of auctions with a value of more than €10 (and which I could follow) to 73 – a quite remarkable figure. This is all what I could find, in case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Gerd Clemens
Monday, May 22, 2006 
Bagsite of the Month
 | is a small (but highly coloured) collection of Cédrick Gauthier-Lacognata's European bags - in 10 languages, including Romanian, Catalan and Sicilian. Formerly called "Giramondo". If you want to know how to say "refreshing towel" in Sicilian, this is the site for you. To see Cédrick's bags, select the Airsicknessbags item from the menu on the homepage. There's also a link to his swaps list. |
Thursday, May 11, 2006 